Backward integration with Mercury6 based on nominal orbital parameters:
) Important integration parameters:
algorithm (MVS, BS, BS2, RADAU, HYBRID etc) = BS
start time (days)= 2459671.5
) stop time (days) = 102458000.5
stop time (days) = -1d8
output interval (days) = 100
timestep (days) = 0.05
accuracy parameter=1.d-12
Following a comment from Afrien Coffinet (what happened at about year -15000 ?), I plotted the orbital parameters of the asteroids that are almost overlapped, at least at the scale of the graphics.
Around that date:
- eccentricity reached the minimum value as confirmed by q and Q,
- inclination reached the minimum value,
- the argument of perihelium had a "disturbance" (encounter with a big planet? - not clear)
- the ascending node reached the maximum vaue)