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Monday, October 8, 2018

about TNOs

I downloaded all TNO asteroids with data-arc span >= 180 days from JPL Small-Body Database Search Engine:

JPL Small-Body Database Search Engine

 [ Refine Search ]    Results:  2132 matching objects
 Constraints:  asteroids and orbital class (TNO) and data-arc span >= 180 (d) 

This is a summary table for all oribital parameters (this table and all plots below have been done using the R programming language plus ggplot2 and ggtern packages and linux imagemagick-6 ):
a e i om w

Min. : 30.11 Min. :0.002734 Min. : 0.07095 Min. : 0.2482 Min. : 0.5456

1st Qu.: 40.95 1st Qu.:0.086505 1st Qu.: 3.71255 1st Qu.: 68.5043 1st Qu.: 85.2858

Median : 44.04 Median :0.178993 Median : 10.08412 Median :142.0243 Median :173.6868

Mean : 56.04 Mean :0.241073 Mean : 14.25290 Mean :155.5471 Mean :175.3624

3rd Qu.: 48.93 3rd Qu.:0.312872 3rd Qu.: 19.59501 3rd Qu.:225.2598 3rd Qu.:265.1186

Max. :1603.44 Max. :0.991355 Max. :170.98832 Max. :359.3391 Max. :359.9533

The minimum value of the semi-major axis is about 30 AU: for reference, Pluto's semi-major axis is about 39 AU.
The maximum value for the semi-major axis is a striking 1600 AU achieved by asteroid 2012 DR30.
The famous asteroid Sedna has a semi-major axis about 480 AU and the recently announced 2015 TG387 (the Goblin) has a semi-major axis about 1094 AU.

For every TNO, I calculated its Tisserand parameter (Tap) with reference to a generic planet with semi-major axis ap in the range [5.2 - 1000] AU, step 0.1 AU.
This calculation was done in two ways:
  • all TNO together 
  • TNO divided in 20 semi-major axis intervals

TNO (all together)

For every value of ap, I counted the number of TNO with Tap in the range [2 - 3].

The result is plotted here:

The above plot takes into account all TNO ranging from semi-major axis about 30 AU to about 1600 AU as shown in the previous table.
It seems that the value of ap that maximizes the count of TNO with Tap in the range [2 - 3] is ap = 43.5 AU (green vertical line).

TNO analyzed in various semi-major axis intervals
The semi-major axis was divided into 20 intervals such that in every interval you have about 5% of the population (actually about 107 asteroid per interval).
These are the intervals ( AU ):
1 [30.1,38.3]
2 (38.3,39.2]
3 (39.2,39.5]
4 (39.5,39.8]
5 (39.8,41]
6 (41,42.2]
7 (42.2,42.9]
8 (42.9,43.4]
9 (43.4,43.7]
10 (43.7,44]
11 (44,44.4]
12 (44.4,45.3]
13 (45.3,46.3]
14 (46.3,47.4]
15 (47.4,48.9]
16 (48.9,54.7]
17 (54.7,58.2]
18 (58.2,68.8]
19 (68.8,91.6]
20 (91.6,1.6e+03]

For every interval I generated the same plot as seen before: thus, in total I created 20 plots that for ease of reference are shown here as an animated gif:

As you switch from one interval to the next, the ap value steadily slowly increases according to the approximated sequence 36, 39, 39, 40 ... 42, ..., 45,
...50, 57, 68, 90 AU and then, on the last 20th interval [91.6 - 1600 ] AU, something strange happens: the ap value goes back again to about 40 AU.

It is not clear to me why the 20th interval is showing this behaviour (I even thought this could be due to a bug in the program but I could not find it).

For ease of reference the "strange" 20th interval is again shown here below:

It is also interesting to note that probably due to the fact that in this interval we have extreme values of semi-major axis , there are also other relative maxima at bout ap=170 AU and maybe (much lower) at about ap=500 AU and ap=700 AU.

Curiosity: this last value (700 AU) is the estimated value for the semi-major axis of hypothetical Planet IX.
There are 14 TNO that contribute to the count for ap=700 AU including Sedna:
a e i om w Tap
90377 Sedna (2003 VB12) 479.904866256856 0.841319584894813 11.9299242495342 144.327455233507 311.537354629566 2.3344160106886
336756 (2010 NV1) 290.079238904053 0.967604322181253 140.749066145312 136.12865174322 132.653401330885 2.16141987021466
418993 (2009 MS9) 368.487142381523 0.970179216772268 68.0660878375908 220.219433266459 128.567138515509 2.03104187948606
474640 (2004 VN112) 319.030257013192 0.851750858061802 25.59923139738 65.9764025946988 326.79999934344 2.8321379285744
523622 (2007 TG422) 472.770400320918 0.924843603208057 18.6197089456926 112.840026264392 285.537555783418 2.07306646432227
523719 (2014 LM28) 277.831093719718 0.939635865307078 84.7387523405941 246.178631712983 38.3643481614205 2.55905094271
(1996 PW) 253.360837265531 0.990159010876786 29.9564761499396 144.38344890968 181.599728786903 2.90875109210892
(2010 GB174) 350.594295543395 0.86096080378873 21.5863384533732 130.834994060552 347.447039201188 2.6660937467626
(2011 OR17) 267.62292506094 0.988371756092761 110.50391097494 271.443208707997 14.0658781504528 2.54975571325885
(2013 FT28) 310.616250286609 0.860083663649765 17.3373719033496 217.770979685592 40.5386236787914 2.90236805429801
(2013 RF98) 357.875680246011 0.89920589784544 29.5866288844056 67.5780554516926 311.60258271302 2.50008216999172
(2014 SR349) 303.688812847671 0.843030035231188 17.9784555874619 34.7970603621366 340.9130466591 2.97894344497346
(2015 GT50) 324.376802633332 0.881380238783511 8.7830884236707 46.0926336967559 129.328691760594 2.79360748411466
(2015 RX245) 416.893254246754 0.890708576281222 12.1442299283332 8.59935840940333 65.1236515168313 2.36500035898143

TNO (all together) - dependency on w
For the value ap=43.5, I calculated their Tap values in the range [2 - 3].
Then, I divided the Tap values in tertiles.

By definition, in a ternary diagram, the whole asteroids are displayed like this:

In the above triangle, every vertex is associated to one of the three Tap tertiles.
The dot represents all asteroids taken together independently by their w (argument of perihelion) parameter: by definition they belong to the tertiles according to the proportion (1/3,1/3,1/3), so the dot is in the barycenter of the triangle.

I was curious to see what happens to this diagram if you investigate all parameter w (argument of perihelion) ranges (0-10],(10-20], ... (350-360].

This is what happens:

As expected, the various dots (ranges of 10 degrees) are no longer perfectly located in the barycenter.
Not sure of this but: I have the impression that for most of them the difference in the ideal proportion  (1/3,1/3,1/3) is likely to be not statistically significant (blue dots - labeled as "Same Proportion" = TRUE).
However, there might be some ranges (red dots, labeled as "SameProportion"=FALSE) where there is a greater difference that is probably really significant (to be understood better).
The suspect ranges and proportions are:
[2.01,2.85] (2.85,2.96] (2.96,3]
(10,20] 0.51 0.28 0.22
(90,100] 0.2 0.58 0.22
(170,180] 0.22 0.49 0.29

TNO (all together) - dependency on om
For the value ap=43.5, I calculated their Tap values in the range [2 - 3].
Then, I divided the Tap values in tertiles.
Same analysis as before but this time I investigated the ascending node (parameter om).

The most "suspect" om ranges where the proportion is very different from the ideal (1/3,1/3,1/3) are the following:
[2.01,2.85] (2.85,2.96] (2.96,3]
(40,50] 0.19 0.41 0.4
(80,90] 0.18 0.21 0.61
(110,120] 0.15 0.3 0.55
(200,210] 0.39 0.43 0.18
(210,220] 0.6 0.33 0.063
(220,230] 0.46 0.43 0.12
(280,290] 0.26 0.56 0.19

Kind Regards,
Alessandro Odasso

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